What is Master Cleanse? – Master Cleanse Explained
What is The Master Cleanse Diet?
Are you looking for a really effective and natural method to cleanse your body of toxins and other bodily waste? Then the Master Cleanse diet is for you!
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This special diet is a unique detoxification and weight loss diet specifically designed to naturally purify and clean your body through the consumption of a special lemonade mix, and through using natural laxatives.
Recommended duration of the cleansing phase of this particular detox diet is 10 days. During ideal conditions, the total number of days devoted to the diet should be 16 days. Three days prior to the cleansing phase is devoted to preparation of the body for the liquid diet. After the cleansing phase, another three days is devoted to a gradual transition back to solid food again.
The MC is not a diet for impatient individuals. That’s just a plain fact. There are sub-phases, which you will have to go through, before and after the detoxification phase. These sub-phases has been put in place to ensure that the body is not forced into accepting a pure liquid diet, and also not forced into accepting solid foods again without proper care and preparation. It can seem a bit tricky, and you have to be determined to go through with it, but these preparations are necessary to achieve wanted results and it will be worth it.
Anyone can use and go through this diet. If you are relatively healthy, it doesn’t matter if you are male or female. The path to health and fitness begins with natural detoxification.
A great thing about this unique diet is that the ingredients you will need to perform a full body, colon and bloodstream detoxification can be purchased everywhere and at any time.
Solid food is phased out, and after three days totally abandoned. That’s why you will need a steady supply and source of vitamins and energy as compensation.
What is The Master Cleanse, Exactly?
The re-supply of vitamins, energy and the introduction of detox enhancing additives + flush and laxative additives is accomplished through the special lemon juice mix, which is the only thing you’re allowed to consume during the ten-day period of detox. The special ingredients of the lemonade mix are freshly squeezed lemon juice or lime juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup. That’s what this unique diet consist of plus plain pure water, salt water flushing and herbal laxative tea.
- Lemon Juice or Lime Juice – Adds nutrition, vitamins and energy. It also has a cleansing effect.
- Maple Syrup Grade B – Adds b vitamins, other good nutritions, energy and calories.
- Cayenne Pepper – Adds a lot of nutritives, speeds up metabolism and burns fat faster. It also helps stop hunger pains.
- Fresh Ionized or Filtered and Purified Water – Balances body pH and prevents disease, antioxidant improval of detoxification. It also hydrates the body which is essential for survival.
- Non-Iodized Sea Salt Water Flush – Flushes the whole digestive tract (Works best on an empty stomach).
- Herbal Laxative Tea – Adds enzymes for digestion, ensures colon functions and helps eliminate and release toxins.
Some people have tried to remove the cayenne pepper out of the equation when performing this detox diet. You should not do that. The cayenne pepper has a specific and important function within the MC diet scheme. It aids in removing bodily waste and without it you will not see the same effective results. It will be like drinking plain lemonade for ten days.
You will still lose weight, but you won’t experience the detoxification effect. In the event that you cannot stomach pure cayenne pepper, you can instead substitute the raw cayenne pepper with cayenne capsules. Cayenne pepper capsules can easily be found and bought in alternative health stores and online.
You need to add a minimum of 400 milligrams of cayenne pepper per serving of lemonade. Applied on cayenne capsules, with one capsule containing 100 milligrams of cayenne pepper, means that you need to add four capsules every time you drink lemonade.
To buy lots of cayenne capsules is not the most economical way to go through this detox diet, so if you can learn to tolerate or even like the taste of plain cayenne pepper powder, you will save a lot of money and obtain a better detox result.
And remember, since you’re not eating any solid food during 10 days you will save a lot of money on your normal solid food expenses too.
But then again, if you really cannot stand the taste of the lemon juice, maple syrup detox diet drink mix spiked with pure cayenne pepper, you will have to invest in large quantities of cayenne capsules to get the most out of this detox and weight loss diet. Health results are better though, with raw cayenne pepper powder.
A special recommendation for diabetics is to add sweeteners with higher concentrations of sugar. Always consult your medical practitioner before entering into any diet.
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Find more Master Cleanse information, The Master Cleanse Recipe, The Master Cleanse Diet, The Master Cleanse Reviews and The Master Cleanse Weight Loss HERE! <<<<
>>>> Video – Master Cleanse Before and After <<<<
Video source: YouTube
So, What is Master Cleanse Really?
Well, it’s all that has been described above and more. It’s a unique detoxification process plus weight loss diet and health and fitness program that works to purify your body in a natural way. It has many health benefits such as weight loss, increased energy level, improved digestion and a good overall feeling of wellbeing, to name a few.
If you want to achieve these health results and more, you should consider trying the Master Cleanse diet.
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