Vitiligo Cream – Vitiligo Cream Treatment Choices

Vitiligo Cream

Could Vitiligo Cream Work for Your Health Condition?

Health / Remedies

Leukoderma affects around 2% of people in the USA alone and is more commonly referred to as vitiligo. While it was discovered decades ago, there is still a lot of research into this unique dermatological condition as very little is known about curing it. Image Credit: Nemo pixabay

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When the pigment (color) of the skin disappears suddenly, vitiligo is the most common reason. It usually starts with the face or hands but will eventually spread to the rest of the body. It can even affect areas where there is hair, including the scalp and eyebrows. Finding a vitiligo cure is important for many.

With research, there have been a number of factors linked to the development of the health condition. Genetics is the main reason; those with a close relative or parent with it are more likely to develop it in the future.

Lifestyle also plays a major part. Those who smoke or have other unhealthy habits are likely to develop the condition if they were already predisposed. Stress levels are a third trigger, so it is important to limit the amount of stress that you feel to keep the condition at a level that is manageable.

Vitiligo Cream GirlImage Credit: Cold Cream-2 Wikimedia Commons

Vitiligo Creams – Which is the Best Cream for Vitiligo?

It is possible to use a vitiligo cream to help control the problem. There are two options but both have to be used when under the supervision of professionals. One cream for vitiligo is a corticosteroid option, which is used directly on the area and helps to prevent the skin and tissue from inflaming.

These types of creams for vitiligo have to be used for a set period of time otherwise they will not work. Currently there is no guarantee that patients will see a halt in their skin condition but the creams can really help due to their anti-inflammatory properties. They are most effective on those who only have smaller patches of the skin condition.

Corticosteroid creams are used several times on a daily basis and luckily are inexpensive. It is possible to buy in bulk and stockpile so there is no risk of running out when you really need it.

Another vitiligo treatment cream is phenytoin. This has been through numerous tests in laboratories and shown potential. It helps to slow down the death of the cells (the melanocytes) to help halt the problem.

The research is still ongoing, with the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Romania still doing tests. So far, researchers have developed a gel that uses a high concentration of phenytoin that can be used directly on the skin. So far, the second treatment is only beneficial when used in large concentrations, especially in the long term. Lower concentrations can work but patients didn’t see as great results.

A third option is to use PUVA, also known as Psoralen. This is a vitiligo cream that works along with UV therapy. Most dermatologists prefer to use this conventional method for treating the skin condition.

A fourth option is to use pimecrolimus cream vitiligo remedy. It appears that this particular substance is only effective if it is given in high concentrations. Lower concentrations can still be beneficial, but in the long term, higher doses must be given to generate better results for patients with vitiligo.

More info: Cure Vitiligo, How to Cure Vitiligo Naturally, Natural Cures for Vitilago, Natural Vitiligo Cure, Diet Vitiligo HERE! <<

Video: Vitiligo: A Skin Condition not a Life Changer

[Video Source: YouTube]

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