The PCOS Fertility Diet – PCOS and Fertility Eating

Understanding the PCOS Fertility Diet
Health / Remedies / Diets
PCOS and Pregnancy
It is a common, unfortunate fact that many PCOS patients experience some form of fertility problem after being diagnosed with the disease. A woman’s fertility is directly impacted by PCOS, because female reproduction and, subsequently, the fertilization and gestation process is also largely controlled by hormones. Image Credit: Pregnant Woman 2, Canwest News, Wikimedia Commons.
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Hormones are chemical regulators that help the body carry out physiological functions normally and efficiently. When hormone levels are impacted by a disease or chemical agent, a chain reaction occurs within the body and what results is a myriad of hormone-related issues that must be dealt with individually.
If you think you have PCOS because your mother or grandmother had it, make sure that you visit your family physician first, to get a formal diagnosis. No amount of well-written information on the Internet can replace the technical expertise of a medical doctor.
Not all hormonal issues are attributed to the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is just one of dozens of hormonal diseases affecting women of all ages. It’s important that you know exactly what you are dealing with before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle.
PCOS Diet for Fertility and Pregnancy – What to Eat and What Not to Eat!
A PCOS Fertility Diet Plan
Now, if you have already been diagnosed with PCOS, and you are having trouble conceiving, or if you have already conceived and are worried about your developing baby, here are some PCOS diet guidelines that you can use:
1. Carbohydrate intake is a complex issue when a PCOS patient wishes to become pregnant. Since insulin resistance is a very real possibility, a PCOS patient must be careful with how many carbohydrates she is consuming.
Carbohydrate reduction is generally recommended for women so that insulin resistance is controlled, and the chance of becoming pregnant increases proportionately as well. Too much sugar in your diet can further exacerbate the hormonal imbalance brought about by PCOS, so be careful with what you eat and drink.
2. Let us say that you have finally become pregnant. Should you continue with a carbohydrate-restricted diet? No. Physicians agree that during pregnancy, the expectant mother must consume enough carbohydrates to sustain herself and the growing fetus inside. If there aren’t enough carbohydrates, both the mother and growing fetus will starve.
Extra carbohydrates can be sourced directly from food items such as oatmeal mixed with fruit, fruit, and vegetable salads. Cakes, cookies, and breads should be eaten in small quantities only. The bulk of a pregnant woman’s carbohydrates should be sourced from whole foods.
3. According to current studies, regular dairy products have a beneficial impact, and seem to increase the chances of getting pregnant with PCOS. There is no need to overdo this, though. One full glass of regular, fresh milk is sufficient every day. If you don’t like drinking milk, you can also try consuming yogurt or cheese.
4. One supplement worth mentioning is folic acid. The latest research on this wonderful nutrient reveals that if a woman takes four hundred micrograms of folic acid per day, she will be able to decrease the incidence of fertility issues in a short span of time. Folic acid is widely available worldwide, so you can easily try it if it would work in your case.
More INFO: Diet for PCOS, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Treatment, Low Carb Diet Plan, Diet Recipes, Best Diet for PCOS Weight Loss <<<< HERE!
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