Natural Skin Care Recipes – Organic Ingredients Benefits

Natural Skin Care Recipes - Organic Ingredients - Natural Beauty Woman

Creating Natural Skin Care Recipes For The First Time

Beauty / Face and Body Skin Care

If you are planning to create natural skin care products at home, you need to know what each individual and unique ingredient actually does to help your skin. In this article, we are going to explore the benefits of some popular skin care ingredients so you can decide for yourself which ones you should be focusing on. Image Credit: Creative Commons / Google Images – Labeled for reuse with modification.

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Organic Skin Care Recipes - Natural Aloe Vera Beauty WomanImage Credit: Creative Commons / Google Images – Labeled for reuse with modification.

Organic Skin Care Recipes – Focus Ingredients

1.    Aloe vera – Aloe vera helps promote surface hydration of skin, and is also notable for its anti-balding properties. Individuals who want to regulate their sebaceous glands will also benefit from aloe vera.

2.    Apple juice – Apples contains lots of B-vitamins and antioxidants. Apple juice is considered an excellent mild cleanser, and it will not dry your skin.

3.    Beeswax – Beeswax is used to lock in moisture. When combined with cleansers it ensures that some of the natural moisture of the concoction stays close to the surface of the skin.

4.    Bentonite clay – Bentonite clay has long been hailed as one of the best natural cleansers. Bentonite clay can easily remove dirt and sebum build-up from your pores.

5.    Caffeine – Caffeine has been noted for its ability to naturally tighten skin and improve the appearance of fine lines on the skin.

6.    Marigold – Marigold is known for its anti-inflammation properties, which makes it an ideal ingredient for creams applied after prolonged sun exposure. Marigold is a restorative ingredient.

7.    Camphor – Camphor has natural anti-bacterial properties, but is very potent and should not be used excessively in topical preparations. Commercial products are regulated so that camphor concentration is 11% or less.

8.    Grape skin – Grape skin naturally contains resveratrol which naturally eliminates impurities on the skin, and also helps preserve the elasticity of your skin. Grape skin may be added to any home preparation.

9.    Honey – Has natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Honey may be used as a natural emollient as well. If you don’t want chemicals to go in to the moisturizing process, go for fresh honey!

More INFO: Organic Skin Care, Tips Natural Skin Care, Natural Skin Care Regimen, Organic Natural Skin Care, Homemade Skin Care Recipes << HERE!

 Video: DIY Skin care recipes and ingredients you SHOULD try! 8 DIY SKIN CARE RECIPES I Tried & You Should Too

[Source: YouTube]

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