Homemade Spa Treatments – All-Natural and Inexpensive
Homemade Spa Treatments That You Will Love
Beauty / Natural Beauty
Are you tired of buying expensive spa products that only last a week with regular use? Are you suspicious of the ever-lengthening list of strange ingredients in spa product labels? Image Credit: Creative Commons / Google Images – Labeled for commercial reuse with modification.
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If you answered yes to either of these questions, then it’s time for you to make your own natural spa products at home. DIY spa treatments have become extremely popular in recent years because people have found it easy and cheap to make their own beauty products at home, using tried and tested ingredients that are great on the skin. Here are some of our top picks that you will enjoy making and using at home:
TIP: You can also make larger amounts and more products to give to family and friends, OR earn some extra income and work from home producing and selling your own unique homemade DIY spa products.
Image Credit: Chocolate Facial Mask.
Home Spa Treatments & Recipes for You
Rejuvenating Coco Face Mask
Masks are a must if you want to keep your skin supple and hydrated. Did you know that you can now make equally effective face masks at home with ingredients that are actually edible? Let us show you how to make your very own Rejuvenating Coco Face Mask.
For this recipe, you will need half a cup of natural cocoa powder, 4 tbsps. of ground oatmeal, half a cup of fresh honey, 4 tbsps. of cream, and 2 tbsps. of kaolin or white clay.
Combine all of the ingredients in a large, non-reactive bowl until a regular consistency and color emerges. Use your hands to mix together the powdery ingredients, and don’t stop mixing until the splotchy colors disappear.
You will know that your Rejuvenating Cocoa Face Mask is ready when you get a consistency similar to what is found in commercial face masks. Apply the resulting compound generously on your face, around your eyes, and on your forehead.
Leave on for twenty to thirty minutes before rinsing off completely. Rinse off the face mask with lukewarm water, and finish off your face cleanse with a splash of cool water. Feel free to use a hypoallergenic soap to reduce the cocoa smell if it doesn’t suit you.
Alternative Rejuvenating Coco Face Mask
An alternative recipe for people who are suffering from dry skin can also be used. You will only need one large egg, three tbsps. of coconut oil, and two tbsps. of honey.
Remove the egg yolk, and combine the rest of the ingredients in a non-reactive bowl. Mix until you get a good consistency, and apply to the face generously.
Remember to gently rub the compound inward (toward the nose) to preserve the integrity of the skin. Leave on for half an hour, and wash off with lots of water. Do not rub your skin with a face towel or any other cloth! This will only irritate your skin and make your skin look drier and even more irritated.
The best way to take care of your skin is by responding to its specific requirements. Oily skin needs to be cleansed more frequently, but not necessarily cleaned out of all its surface oil.
Oil or sebum is there for a reason: it protects the skin and makes your skin look supple. Removing all of the oil on the surface of your skin is not necessarily a good idea, as it leaves the skin dry and prone to bacterial infection.
More INFO: Homemade Spa Ideas, Spa Recipes DIY, Homemade Spa Recipes, Spa Games for Kids, Healthy Spa Food Recipes << HERE!
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