At Home Spa Recipes – Without Preservatives

Make At Home Spa Recipes
Beauty / Natural Beauty
Nothing is more satisfying than being able to make your own spa beauty products at home. There are thriving communities around the World Wide Web that encourage people to make their own unique beauty products using tried and tested natural ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, hazelnut, etc. Image Credit: Creative Commons / Google Images – Labeled for commercial reuse with modification.
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You probably found this article precisely for this reason: you are interested in creating your very own spa products at home. Now, you may be wondering: what is really our motivation for creating spa products instead of just buying them?
We don’t know about you, but our personal reasons are quite simple: We believe that manufacturers of spa products and beauty products in general do not have the public’s safety as their number one priority.
There are countless reports and studies that show that the ingredients (primarily the preservatives) being added to commercial beauty products are not safe for the skin, and may cause severe, long-term problems.
Instead of exposing ourselves to such risks, we have decided to make our own spa recipe items, and we have never looked back. You will be surprised as to how effective natural, DIY recipes can be! We owe it all to Mother Nature and now you too can begin making and enjoying great spa products at home without worrying about hidden toxic ingredients. You can also make larger amounts and more products to give to family and friends, OR earn some extra income and work from home producing and selling your own homemade DIY spa products. Here are some recipes to get you started:
Image Credit: The Handcrafters Companion.
Home Spa Recipes
Honey Skin Scrub
Who doesn’t adore a great scrub when they are at the spa? The Honey Skin Scrub is capable of exfoliating and hydrating the skin at the same time. If you want an all-natural scrub that doesn’t take forever to prepare, try this recipe.
For this recipe you will need one US cup of coarse salt or fine salt, half a cup of fresh honey, half a cup of extra virgin olive oil, and any fragrant base oil that you like. The scent of the Honey Skin Scrub is completely up to you.
You can also opt for the scentless route if you don’t care much for the scrub’s scent. To create the scrub, simply combine all of the ingredients in a glass bowl or beaker, and mix well until you have been able to work the honey and oil into the salt.
This will take some time and patience, as salt can sometimes be resistant to mixing. Once the honey and extra virgin olive oil has been worked into one cup of salt, the concoction is ready to be used. Feel free to apply generous amounts of the Honey Skin Scrub to your arms, chest, and even on your face (avoid the eyes of course). Gently scrub your skin and rinse with water.
Natural Citrus Moisturizer
For this recipe, simply melt one third cup of beeswax in a hot pan, and combine with your base oil of choice. Pour in one third cup of freshly squeezed lime juice when the beeswax has been melted. Pour the solution into a glass container, and let it cool for half an hour before using it.
More INFO: Spa Recipes, DIY Spa, Home Spa Treatments, Spa for Kids, Healthy Spa Foods Recipes << HERE!
Video: At Home Spa Day: DIY Hair Mask, Body Scrub, Face Mask, & Lip Scrub.
[Source: YouTube]
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