Do Electronic Cigarettes Have Nicotine? – Healthy Juice


Demystifying e-Cigs: Do Electronic Cigarettes Have Nicotine?

Health / Smoking Cessation Aids

Buying an electronic cigarette without knowing how it works can be nerve-wracking, especially if you are already concerned with the long-term effects of tobacco use. Image Credit/Image License: CC0 Public Domain.

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If you are considering the use of electronic cigarettes because you want to quit smoking, or are looking for an alternative to smoking real cigarettes or cigars, it pays to know what you are actually using. Let us take a look at the essential facts of e-cigs, what they really are, and what they have to offer users:

Do E-Cigarettes Have Nicotine? – Essential e-Cigs Facts

1.    Believe it or not, electronic cigarettes are merely vaporizing devices that allow people to inhale vapors drawn from preloaded liquid.

Manufacturers want to attract the highest number of customers, so it is normal for one brand of e-cigs to offer different variants. An e-cig can look like a hookah (a long-stemmed pipe), a regular smoking pipe, or a slim cigarette.

Do not be confused by the appearance of these devices. They all work the same way, so if you don’t have the budget for an expensive variant made of shiny brass and what not, stick to the more budget-friendly, reusable variants that you can use again and again.

2.    Electronic cigarettes cannot produce vapors on their own. They have to be loaded with “vape,” or vapor juice, in order to function. Vapor juices are usually sold in small, sealed bottles online, and in kiosks.

When buying vapor juice for the first time, check the label – manufacturers will indicate if the vapor juice contains nicotine. In most cases, you will also find the amount of nicotine in the e-cig juice itself.

If you do not want to use anything with nicotine in it, then you simply have to purchase a brand that is nicotine-free. You will not be forced to use nicotine, and your electronic cigarette is unaffected by the actual content of the juice. As long as a compatible e-cig juice is used, you won’t have any problems with the device itself.

3.    Many medical practitioners agree that using electronic cigarettes is a much safer choice compared to using traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes generally deliver much lower doses of nicotine (if you use nicotine vapor juice), and do not introduce the common toxic substances found in regular cigarettes.

So, between smoking real cigarettes and using electronic cigarettes, it is clear that it is much safer to smoke something that has controllable content and does not produce second-hand smoke.

Second-hand smoke can cause asthma and a myriad of other health conditions, especially in children. If you smoke around children, their health will suffer, too.

It is completely different when you use electronic cigarettes – the vapor that you inhale will mingle with the air, and will disappear instantly after you exhale.

Vapor juice is made from PEG, or propylene glycol, which is used in food items and beverages. The human body has a natural mechanism that metabolizes PEG.

Known controlled studies of this substance have shown no evidence of severe toxic reactions to PEG. Even if you eat the stuff, it is actually very hard to get a severe reaction because the body is so efficient in metabolizing it.

More INFO: General e-Cig Review, How Do Electronic Cigarettes Work?, Electronic Cigarettes Bad For You?, Electronic Cigarette Side Effects, Buy Electronic Cigarette << HERE!

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